Video 3

The Value and Danger of Predictions

Predictions are amazing! They provide hope. Inspire you to go for it knowing there will be a good outcome, but what happens when you focus on nothing but what you want to happen… that’s the danger. And yes… everybody’s favorite… more myth-busting.

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In three easy steps


Click the card deck image below to shuffle the cards.


From a neutral state of mind, ask your question.


Double-click on 3 cards.



Essential meanings: Fate; karma; acceptance that there are things you cannot change and knowing what those things are.
The Oracle’s Message: The Serenity Prayer sums up the meaning of this card: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” There are things in life you will never have control over. The conditions brought on by the evolution of the collective, by nature, and by your past experiences may be fated, preordained by Spirit for a greater purpose you cannot understand in this lifetime. It may not be in your cards to understand why certain events occurred, but you can accept the mystery and work with what those events and your current circumstances have to teach you. This is the wisdom contained in the Serenity Prayer.
Relationship message: Other people are who they are. You can’t change them. The challenge is to accept them and not try to make them otherwise to suit you. This is a time to look at how you attempt to mold people to fit your view of how they should be so you can remain in the relationship and avoid discomfort. What if who they are, and whatever is happening between you and them in this situation, is exactly perfect as it is from the perspective of Spirit? Now is the time to accept what you cannot change, even if it means that you honor yourself, Spirit, and the other person by moving on. Love unconditionally, for each of us is on our own journey and we cannot direct that of another. Be aware that this relationship is indeed fated, and you are meant to evolve into a better version of yourself as a result of it.
Prosperity message: Your experiences concerning prosperity and abundance are beyond your personal control right now. You are being invited to accept “what is” unreservedly. This could be a temporary situation, seemingly thrust upon you by outside forces, but there is an underlying purpose you can’t see that has been determined by the Fates. It could be a situation you may be unprepared for and you may not understand how it will benefit you in the moment. Do not fight the situation. Ride it out and see where it leads. Surrender to it, and the serenity you need to make good choices from here on out will be given to you. You will indeed flourish.


Essential meanings: The Law of Giving and Receiving; currency; trade-offs; weighing costs and determining value.
The Oracle’s Message: You’re entering into a productive and enriching time when all manner of opportunities are being offered to you. You have everything you need to seize them. Yet in order to honor them, you must put in the time, exchange your experience and skills, and commit heart and soul to what you’re choosing to pursue. You can do it! You have what it takes to be successful if you align with the Law of Giving and Receiving. You must engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. This is not a time of just do, do, do. Use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.
Relationship message: Love is an exchange of life-force energy between two living beings. It grows exponentially when it’s reciprocated. You must give and receive in order for love to flourish and abundance to flow between you, nourishing you. Spirit wants you to start accepting all the blessings waiting for you, as well as offer the same gift in return. Open your heart and allow it to be filled! Let love in and let it flow out of you, too. Love is truly yours today.
Prosperity message: All your hard work and efforts—your commitment to learning, creating, and spending your time wisely—pay off in ways you may not have been anticipating. The gifts of yourself—your time, your ideas, and the energy of your intentions—are being reciprocated by the universe, which is sending you signs and signals, aligning synchronistic meetings and opportunities to bring you success and more. Everything is an exchange. Keep doing what you’re doing. Goodwill comes back tenfold.


Essential meanings: Courage; taking a leap of faith; overcoming fear and accepting risk.
The Oracle’s Message: Facing the unknown is the only choice you really have right now if you want to progress. It’s okay to be afraid. Now is the time to take a risk that is not calculated—to feel the exhilaration as you ready yourself for a leap of faith. Spirit is present, so let go of fear. You are called to express your true self. Listen to your heart and soul, not your head. Come to the edge and discover that you can fly. You must step into what you don’t know so that you may find your miracles.
Relationship message: It’s scary to be truly intimate with someone, to allow him or her to see all of you, especially the parts of you that you’ve kept hidden and protected. Now is the time to take that risk and let yourself be seen, truly seen. It’s important that you speak up, say what you need, say who you are, say what you hope for. This is not the time to play it safe but to take a leap of faith. You will be glad you did. If you’re seeking a relationship the same applies. Take one step towards the gods and they will deliver what you truly desire if you do.
Prosperity message: If ever there was a time for you to take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown, it is now. This is the perfect moment to take a big risk. The unknown is the only choice now, and if you take the leap, you will discover treasure beyond your wildest dreams. Allow your courage to lead you in spite of your fears. You don’t need to know the exact form of what you’re going for. The essence is much more powerful and Spirit has a way of delivering an even better version of prosperity than you could imagine. Take that step. The results will be amazing.

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